Monday, September 12, 2011

FREE Set Up A Remote Desktop Server Tips

To begin with the set up of a remote desktop server, there are few components required which include at least two computers with Windows XP or Vista or server 2003 or 2008 and an SSL certificate. In the following set of instructions, we will see how to set up a remote desktop server. If you find the steps to be awfully tedious, you could knock the doors of online PC support that have the most expertise representative offering computer repair services day in day out.

Configure the settings in the Gateway server

In a remote desktop setup, clients connect to the server via terminal server. The clients connect to the terminal server using HTTPS and therefore the terminal server must have SSL certificate cultured. To start off with, log on to the terminal server as an administrator, subsequently open service manager and right click on the option, roles, click on add role and add role wizard, click on next. Following which click on server page roles page and choose terminal services, click on next and right click on the terminal page, click on next. Afterwards make the selection of TS gateway from the role service page. Click on add required role services. Following which click on the SSL certificate you have installed and click on next again. The authorization page will open, click on now and next. On the Terminal server gateway user group page, check on all the users you wish to connect to the terminal server. Ideally one must follow creation of active directory to authorize users on the terminal server.

Name the terminal service connection authorization policy

Name the terminal service connection and set the password you wish to constrain users to connect. Subsequently insert a name to the terminal service resource authorization policy with the idea of letting remote clients to connect to the computer. Install the application and restart the computer.

Configure the remote client

Taking care of the client configuration is also a must after the terminal server has been configured with the desirable settings. To start off, on the client computer, click on start, all programs, accessories, remote desktop connection. Select the options tab from the top in order to confirm the settings. Click on the advanced tab from the top and settings, check the box which says 'Use these TS Gateway server settings' and put in the server address which would be the address mentioned on SSL page. Alternatively pick up on the log on mode. Now it's time to store all the settings by clicking on the save as option under the general tab.

Configure the server

Remote desktop server is by default disabled in Windows servers. Thus the first job will be to enable it by clicking on start, control panel, system and computer properties. Following which click on the remote settings and then the remote tab, you will observe 'Do not allow connections to this computer'; select the option 'Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop [less secure]'. Select the users you wish to be able to be access the server.

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