WAMP5 is an installer for Windows. it installs a complete WAMP solution on your computer. WAMP is for : Windows - Apache - MySQL- PHP5 WAMP5 automatically configures them to work together, wherever you install them on your local drive.
These softwares are installed : Apache 2.0.x. PHP 5.x.x MySQL 5.x.x PHPmyadmin SQLitemanager Wampserver service manager ?
WAMP5 comes with a service manager as an icon tray. This manager will allow you to fully control your server and local projects. WAMP5 is not designed for production but as a development environment. With WAMP5, you will be able to create you scripts locally on your computer, test them and then upload them on your production server. We have configured Apache and MySQL servers with default configuration files to have the most standard platform. You can then adapt it to your personal needs.
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